Sedaghat binding goes down his activity with management of mr Ebrahimi in 1990. Diligence, innovation, and use of new technologies, along with precise supervision and continuous and his severl years experience in industry of printing and binding caused till Sedaghat group in addition to being able to go forward in this process from beginning of establishment and to be turned into a reputable workshop in the field of printing, to be succeeded in training of expert human resources.
The specialized unit binding honesty that his activity on a small scale, but with hope and great incentive in the shade thanks to God discerning the acceptable Order cover and binding paperback, wire and Quran quality start, managed to in 1376
honesty has the possibility of the order (Hardcover) coated (Hardcover) or (Hardcover) by carving (gold sunflowers) and (Hot sunflowers) per day of 5000 volumes I and the commitment to quality and durability, demand its customers.
Binding honesty with three sheet folding automatic, one-liners fitting automatic, the automatic, two bottom embroidered automated tape laying, cut three sides, rounded a book, three gold-beater, and a full line you Jldgzar to associated press and nail.